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If an existing version of Office is installed and needs to be upgraded to the latest version, software upgrades are treated as a project and thus become a billable event.
“Projects” are billed at a discounted rate from the standard Blue Net T & M rates. These discounted rates are outlined in the Plan agreement under section 5; Work Outside Scope of Plan. However, installation of any mainstream Microsoft Client Products (such as Office, Visio, Project, etc.) will be covered under the Plan. Requirements for installation and continued support of any third-party software is as follows:
- Software must be conventional & business class
- Plans support “client-only” (not multi-tier software)
- Customer must purchase and maintain valid licenses a vendor support contracts
Blue Net reserves the right to exercise its discretion to determine coverage for third-party software.
Blue and Gold Plans: If your PC experiences a hard drive (or other part) failure, Blue Net will cover the cost to replace the part and the labor to install it. The Blue Net Plan includes an extended Warranty for computers up to 5 years in age from manufacture date. For PC’s over 5 years of age, Blue Net will cover the labor to install the part; however, the customer will be billed for any parts used to restore the PC to a working condition.
Silver Plans: If your PC experiences a hard drive (or other part) failure, the client must cover the cost to replace the part(s) and the labor to install it. The customer must approve work, and they will be billed for any parts used to restore the PC to a working condition.
Blue Net will make a “Reasonable Effort” to recover your data. If you have a backup system in place and your data resides on a or you have a covered system, we will cover the time and effort to get your data back from that backup system.
However, we will not cover any time or cost to recover data from a Hard Drive that has failed or crashed without a valid backup or if the backup system does not appear to have a known good or valid copy. If you need further data recovery, Blue Net can provide some basic recovery at an additional cost. We can also work with one of our approved vendors, and they will bill you directly. Any time used to interface with that vendor will be covered by the Plan.
Blue Net will make a “Reasonable Effort” to manage and maintain backups for any industry-standard backup software on a plan covered system. We will also attempt to monitor and rectify problems with backup configuration and jobs. Blue Net will ONLY offer fully managed backups via our “Tidal Wave Backup” plans. Those plans add additional features like backup validation, offsite recovery, and management of retention policies on dedicated backup appliances.
Blue Net will not cover accidental damage or damage due to misuse or improper use of the device. Blue Net can help make a determination if the device is repairable. If Blue Net can repair the broken device, Blue Net will cover the labor (Red/Blue only); however, you will be billed for any parts used.
Blue Net does not cover the replacement cost for a lost or stolen notebook or device. However, once a replacement is found, Blue Net will cover the time to setup the replacement notebook, install any programs, and recover or move any data to the notebook. Blue Net can also provide an asset report for the Police or proper authorities detailing the serial number, model number, and an inventory of the software installed. Blue Net can also provide a value for the lost or stolen device and provide replacement pricing and quotes to provide to your insurance company.
Blue Net will cover installing and maintaining Windows Updates, Service Packs, and Hot Fixes. We will also cover patching for third-party software, such as Adobe products, Java, QuickBooks, iTunes, etc.
Blue Net will install and maintain Anti-Virus software. As part of the Plan, all of your covered PC’s, Servers, and Notebooks will get VIPRE Anti-Virus. If the customer chooses to use another AV product, Blue Net will support and maintain that product; however, there is no discount in the price for not using the VIPRE AV software that Blue Net provides as part of the Plan. The customer will also be responsible for any cost associated with procurement and licensing of that Anti-Virus software.
Blue Net can remove any existing IT equipment with the exception of CRT monitors. Blue Net will also make a “Reasonable Effort” to ensure that any system with a hard drive will have the data destroyed. Blue Net uses several methods for Data Destruction, depending on the type of hard drive (SCSI, SATA, SAS, IDE, etc.).
Blue Net considers upgrades to your operating system a “Project.” Blue Net has flat-rate pricing for desktop and notebook OS upgrades. The flat-rate pricing includes performing the upgrade, installing previously installed programs, and moving or restoring data. The OS software license and hardware upgrades are not included in the flat-rate pricing. However, Blue Net can assist with quoting and procurement of software/licenses and the hardware that may be needed.
Silver Plans: A system rebuild for covered devices is billed hourly at the project plan rate.
Blue and Gold Plans: Blue Net covers the rebuilding of a notebook or desktop with the Windows OS installed at the time of Plan coverage. Example: The PC has Windows XP at the start of coverage; it is determined a rebuild is required to solve a problem; Blue Net will rebuild the PC with Windows XP. If instead a Windows OS upgrade is desired, that is considered a “Project” and will be billed at the contract PC rebuild rate. (see example 11).
Blue Net covers the Physical Server plus one “Virtual Machine” in the base price of the Physical Server. All other “Virtual Machines” are billed as a “Virtual Machine,” as there is a separate plan fee for “Virtual Machines.”
As long as your firewall or network device is covered under the Plan, changes made to that firewall or network device are covered. We will also cover updates to firmware/OS that is running on those devices. If you have a supported SonicWALL device, we can perform additional functionality as part of the Plan.
On-site support must be pre-scheduled at least two business days in advance. We will make “reasonable effort” for unscheduled on-site visit requests. On-site hours of availability are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If you have over 40 devices covered under plan, Blue Net can also setup pre-scheduled visits one to two times per month to do routine maintenance and support, as defined by the Plan.
Blue and Gold Plans: On-site tech support for covered devices is included in the plan.
Silver Plans: On-site tech support for covered devices is billed hourly at the project plan rate.
Blue Net will cover On-Site, Remote, and Telephone support Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, according to the terms of the Plan. If you need support outside those hours, Blue Net will bill you at the contract afterhours rate as defined under section 5; Work Outside Scope of Plan. Blue Net also has a Pre-Paid afterhours option. The Pre-Paid afterhours option is billed monthly and will allow you to use support afterhours without incurring any addition hourly billing. This allows you to use our services afterhours for updates and maintenance due to downtime that may occur. Afterhours work must be scheduled in advance at a mutually agreed-upon time, and is subject to availability. Blue Net will make a “Reasonable Effort” to respond to an on-demand afterhours emergency; however, Blue Net will make no service-level commitments.
If you wish to add a new PC, notebook, or server to the plan, you may do so. However, Blue Net will charge you at the hourly project rate to setup that PC, notebook, or server. Blue Net charges an activation fee to add that PC, notebook, or server to the plan. Once that PC, notebook, or server is added, all of the benefits of the Plan will apply.
Blue Net will provide a 30-day grace period to renew your contract once it has expired. Blue Net will send a standard Plan invoice the month after your plan expires, and you have the option to resign a Plan agreement and continue with no additional activation fee. If you let your Plan lapse for more than 30 days, you will be billed at the standard Blue Net T & M rates. If you choose to renew your Plan after the 30 day grace period has expired, you will need to pay any activation fees again.
Blue Net will help with configuring your mobile device to connect to your corporate Exchange Server as long as your PC or notebook and your Exchange Server are covered under the Plan. If you have a third-party POP3 or IMAP account, Blue Net will make a “Reasonable Effort” to help with getting that e-mail account working. Blue Net will not cover support for any applications on your mobile device, nor will any hardware or device warranty be offered or extended to the device under the Plan.
Blue Net will extend basic support to printers as long as the PC or notebook and/or server are covered under the Plan. Basic printer support includes installing, updating, and troubleshooting drivers, connectivity issues, and help with identifying hardware issues. Blue Net will also cover setting up new network attached or direct attached printers. This will include setting up a print queue, installing drivers, assigning an IP address, and test printing from the PC. Blue Net will also support multi-function printers and manage the relationship with your multi-function vendor; however, Blue Net will charge for setup of specialty printers, including Large Format, Plotters, and Large/Complex Multi-Function devices. Blue Net will bill at a discounted rate from the standard Blue Net T & M rates. These discounted rates are outlined in the Plan agreement under section 5; Work Outside Scope of Plan. Blue Net will not cover printer maintenance or hardware support, nor will any hardware or device warranty be offered or extended to the printer. Blue Net will not be responsible for any consumable supplies for the printer.
Support is covered and Blue Net will make a “Reasonable Effort” to troubleshoot and support any portable hard drive or other peripheral (scanner, speakers, monitor, etc.). Blue Net will not cover maintenance or hardware support, nor will any hardware or device warranty be offered or extended to the peripheral device.
The labor to install routine hardware upgrades such as RAM, memory, or a new video card is not covered. Blue Net will bill at a discounted rate from the standard Blue Net T & M rates. These discounted rates are outlined in the Plan agreement under section 5; Work Outside Scope of Plan.
An entire PC / notebook replacement is considered a project. Blue Net has a flat replacement fee for Plan customers. It includes setting up your new PC, installing any programs you need, and transferring any data. The replacement PC can then take the place of the retired PC on the Plan, and your monthly payment will not increase.
Help with users that need remote access is covered under the Plan as long as the remote access device (e.g. Firewall, Concentrator, or other remote device) and the PC or notebook is covered under the Plan. If a user wants to gain access from a home PC, Blue Net will make a “Reasonable Effort” to help that user gain access; however, any support that is given to update or fix any problems on the Home PC to allow remote access is not covered. Blue Net will bill at a discounted rate from the standard Blue Net T & M rates. These discounted rates are outlined in the Plan agreement under section 5; Work Outside Scope of Plan.